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How Lib's Aromatherapy began

A kitchen table styling with essential oil bottles

Originally, I qualified as a Beauty Therapist, which included Aromatherapy and massage therapy. This is where my love of essential oils began.

Once qualified, I did what most people do when they leave college or university: I found a job to start earning a wage whilst pursuing what I had planned. I ended up working as a Security Guard - a whole world away from Beauty Therapy, Aromatherapy, and all of the things that I had dreamed of doing.

But, little did I know I'd still be there 15 years later! I also met my now fiance Ed, and some amazing friends, so if I had pursued what was originally planned, I definitely wouldn't be where I am today.

Everything you do in life, big or small, influences your future!

I've always loved to design and make things from a very young age. Being creative, and using my hands are both skills I got from my father, and it started with little things like drawing, painting, woodwork, and eventually bigger projects like DIY, tiling, up-cycling, etc.

Whilst pottering around the garage one day, I came across a box of glass ramekins, giving me the idea to upcycle them into candles and to fuel my creativity even more - use my knowledge of Aromatherapy to incorporate essential oils.

A small glass ramekin candle wrapped with ribbon
The perfect wellbeing Christmas presents!

I gifted these candles to friends and family for Christmas and had fantastic feedback, hinting at the idea that I could start selling my own candles and start a small business.

So when the events of 2020 happened, and during a long 3 months on Furlough, I realised it was time for a change. My partner and I had both been working for the same company for 15+ years, and the shift work, early starts, late finishes, and night shifts were beginning to take their toll, so we both decided to take a leap of faith and accept an offer of Voluntary Severance and in doing so, gave me a kickstart to explore this new dream.

After researching everything about starting a business making Aromatherapy products, I began to create what I was good at, and Lib's Aromatherapy was born!

Business has been ridiculously hard . . . any business owner will surely agree. Mistakes are to be made, and lessons to be learnt, but I love what I do, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

a candle and essential oil blend styled with a book on a bath tray
Relax with Lavender & Geranium

Signature blend

Who knew the very first candle blend I ever made in those little ramekins, now called Relax with Lavender & Geranium, would end up being my best-selling fragrance, and even better, a fragrance that helps with sleep!

Relax was inspired by a blend I used on my massage clients all those years ago, which brought with it a truly calming and tranquil therapeutic experience.

It has always been my absolute favourite because it brings back such good memories (and smells amazing too).

Discover - our full range of Aromatherapy products.

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